Tuesday, 6 March 2012

A Revolution in Blood Screening UK?

blood screening
We have been on our travels again. It was a mysterious trip deep into a mysterious part of Europe. We had the opportunity to visit a hospital where they have been trialling a new blood analyser which the hospital uses for blood screening. Having a chance to see this remarkable machine in action was too good an opportunity to miss.

In many ways, blood screening euro-style is much the same as you would find in blood screening UK. The department was very busy - it was a Monday morning after all. The analyser is an automated machine that uses wet reagents. They very kindly set it up and set it running while we were there. It was screening patient samples for ABO and Coombs. I wasn’t aware of any automated process for Coombs tests, but here it was before my eyes. Very impressive!

The most amazing thing about it was the delivery of the results. Once the analysis was complete, the computer displayed a series of digital photographs, clearly identifying the agglutination (or not) of each sample. Manual checking took place in seconds and the results were stored digitally - saving the hospital storage space. All in all, the advantages over other automated solutions were clear to see.

So, will this new analyser make a big impact on blood screening UK? It should come to market later this year, once the trials have been completed. The data so far has been very encouraging and at about a quarter of the cost of other automated blood analysers, it could make a significant splash in the UK.

Who knows where our next mystery trip will take us?

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